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Lead Generation for Virtual Exhibitors – Making the Most Out of Your Events


How do you, as an exhibitor, evaluate virtual events? How do you determine the value you’ll get from participating? At the end of the day, whether events are in-person, virtual, or online, the goals remain the same: lead generation. Here are some questions you should ask about virtual events before deciding to exhibit.

What Opportunities Are There for Brand Awareness?

To achieve true brand awareness, look for opportunities beyond the booth to promote visibility. Can you be an event sponsor, so that your logo appears in more places that just your virtual booth? Can you participate in an online webinar or a virtual panel? Can you add items to a virtual or pre-mailed swag bag?

Are Event Hosts Willing to Customize the Event to Meet Your Needs?

It takes both hosts and exhibitors to make a virtual event successful. Demonstrate a willingness to be creative regarding how you’ll engage your potential customers. If you require, for example, a certain type of information, then work with the event hosts to ensure that the necessary information is captured in the registration form or elsewhere. You may want the ability to offer downloadable information, a video, or even an augmented reality version of the equipment you sell. Be sure your event hosts are open to innovation and customization that makes the event is worth your time, effort, and investment.

How Do You Know the Event Is Worth Your Time and Investment?

Any virtual event you choose to participate in should offer clear and precise information about what kind of features are offered, how those features will generate ROI, and what they’ll be doing behind the scenes to help improve your visibility. Virtual events should have:

  • Sufficient marketing and promotions to generate interest in the event

  • A dedicated hashtag that you can use for promotions

  • A willingness to highlight and promote the participating vendors

  • Dedicated digital marketing before and during the event

  • A virtual booth space for you to occupy, with enabling technology that makes it easier for you to engage with prospects

  • Sponsorship opportunities, such as networking spaces, workshops, and other breakout activities

Capturing Leads Should Be Easy and Clear

Your event host should have sophisticated technology in place that allows you to not only capture leads but also interact and engage with them. Look for capabilities such as:

  • A method through which attendees can express interest in your products and services

  • Easy gathering of contact information

  • A platform through which you can interact live

  • A way for interested leads to schedule a meeting time

  • Detailed information capturing capabilities, including who visited your virtual booth and what they did while they were there

  • Real-time analytics post-event, to include name, job title, company, and e-mail with post-event emails to those attendees who opt in and an option for a banner ad in post-event distribution

  • The ability to arrange with show management to send a webinar promoting your company’s products following the event

You Have the Right to Expect Value

Virtual events are, in many ways, much harder to plan than in-person events. You have a right to expect the virtual events in which you choose to participate to deliver real, measurable ROI. ExpoVention can help you make the most of all of your events, from evaluating your participation to ensuring your brand visibility. Get in touch.


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